First four-year plan (from 1997-1998 to 2000-2001 fiscal year)

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First four-year plan (from 1997-1998 to 2000-2001 fiscal year)

The following table shows the activities implemented by dry zone greening department at the initial phase, covering first four years (from 1997-1998 to 2000-2001 fiscal year) con=ducted by DZGD of its establishment.

Sr. Item Unit Target Completed
1. Establishment of forest plantations acre 121,269 119,025
2. Protection of remaining natural forests arce 400,000 388,931
3 Promoting the use of fuelwood substitutes
(a)Efficient stoves distribution stove 190,150 224,743
(b) Utilization of briquettes brick 19182000 30640208
(c) Utilization of agricultural residues ton 39310 79202
4 Water resources development
(a)Construction of ponds pond 546 534
(b) Construction of small check dams dam 339 391
(c) Drilling of underground water well 15 24